Wednesday, August 15, 2018

IoT Platform Weight 250 Grams Breakdown

Sorted by the weight of the components. Half of this page and half of the parts weigh less than 1% of the craft's total weight each part set. 70% of the parts weigh less than 10 grams each. Only production build and prototype parts are in this page. Substitute parts are in a separate chapter page.

GensAce 1.1Ah 25C Battery set - 87.2 grams

43.463*2=86.9g . Worst-case 65.4 grams per 3 cells in separate purchases. 65.4*4/3=87.2 g. 

GensAce 900mah 25C battery set - 75.4 grams 

Prototype endurance build. The 3 cells weighing 56.7g on the right and the 3 cells weighing 56.5g below are cleaned from 2 different packs of GensAce 900mAh. When the 2 packs are trimmed out of their top cell, they weigh 75.2 grams combined as pictured below on the right. If you zoom in on the green PCB, you can see that B2 and B3 are saved and B1 is trimmed out. Worst case both packs are the heavier pack adds 0.2 grams combined, 75.4 grams.

RDQ 850mah 60C battery pack - 69.1 grams                        GNB 520mah 80C lipo battery pack - 55.4 grams

Production build.                                                                         Prototype build.

Sunnysky v4004 300kv motor - 49.2 grams

Prototype build. The M3 antirotation nut is installed then trimmed.

T-Motor 4004 kv400 motor - 48.1 grams

Prototype endurance build.



The weight of the bell is between 17.3-2.4=14.9 and 17.6-2.5=15.1 grams. The lighter blank stater(22.2g) produces a 32.2g to 32.3g stater. The weight of the stater is very close to the maximum weight of the milligram scale and can damage the milligram scale, hence the multiple weighing on the coarse scale to estimate the true weight. Worst case with the heavier bell and the 0.5g heavier stater(22.7g blank stater) is 32.3+15.1+0.5=47.9 grams. With anti-rotation nut, 48.1 grams.

Sunnysky v2806 400kv motor - 43.8 grams

Production build. 25.828+17.748+0.2 (M3 bolt) = 43.8

T-Motor MN2806 400kv motor - 42 grams

Production endurance build.

Blade 230 main frame - 24.3 grams

Prototype build. The main frame below on the left is the lightest I have ever received. It was weighed after the landing skid protrusion of 0.4g was trimmed out at 25.3g. So it should weigh 25.7g anew. The main frame below on the right is the heaviest I have ever received, at 27.1g.

The frame on the left and below on the right are of the same frame used in the trimming procedure. The 2 weighing pictures show the weight deduction of 4.5 grams with the erroneous trimming of the front stud in the same trimming procedure discussion. So a correct weight deduction should be 4.2g.
The hardware screws weigh 1.4 grams (6 black screws instead of 5 black screws with the erroneous trimming of the front stud).  So the overall installation of the main frame is between 25.7-4.2+1.4=22.9 and 27.1-4.2+1.4=24.3, worst case 24.3 grams.

Oxy2 210mm main blade (carbon)- 15.6(carbon) grams

Trimming out 17mm saves 8% weight. 17.0 * 193/210= 15.6 g.

Oxy2 210mm main blade (carbon)- 13.4(plastic) grams

Trimming out 17mm saves 8% weight. 14.6 * 193/210= 13.4 g.

Emax 9051 servo set  - 13.5 grams

The servos in the 2 photos, on the right and below, are 2 different servos from 2 different sales. The tab belongs to the servo on the right. The entire servo with the tab weighs between 0.40+4.48 =4.88g and 4.9g. The tab weighs 0.4g .
Worst case, the total weight of the 3-servo set is (4.9-0.4) x 3 = 13.5g.

Runcam Thumb Pro W - 12.4 grams

Caddx Turtle camera - 9.5 grams

Raspberry Pi Zero WH - 11.8 grams

without header without SD card is 8.9g

Walksnail Avatar HD V2 32GB - 8.3 grams

Remove the casing saves 11.271g. Don't use the camera itself that is (5.646+0.981+1.336) = 7.963g. 15.668 - 7.963 + 0.608 = 8.3g. 

Blade Fusion 180 Smart Side Walls - 7.9 grams

The 2 pictures are of the same purchase. Two plates per craft. Trimming out the center trusses saves 0.8 grams combined. 

Worst case 4.344x2-0.8=7.9 grams.

Blade Thrust 20A ESC - 4.8-8.0 grams

To determine the 20AWG wires' mass, the battery wire pair, at 1.9 inches, weighs 0.71 g, as pictured below with a LittleBee 20A ESC. The motor wire triplet weights 1.229 g at 2.15 inches. The motor wires are determined to be 20AWG at the same weight because 1.229/2.15/3=0.19g/inch/strand=0.71/1.9/2 .

The signal wires weigh 0.3 g for the 1.5-inch pair as pictured below, considering the Blade Thrust ESC has the same length as the LittleBee ESC, at 1.0 inch, and the twisted signal wires are slighter longer than the ESC and would be 1.5 inches after untwisting. The complete ESC set weighs 1.229 * 1.75 / 2.15 + 7 * 0.1 + 0.7 * 3 / 1.9 * 2 + 2.025 * 2 = 7.96 = 8.0 g.

2.123 + 0.1x1.08 + 0.19x2x1.08 = 2.64

For an endurance build that only uses the original signal wires, the weight is 7 * 0.1 + 2.025 * 2=4.75 g.

Runcam Thumb - 7.8 grams

Previously shown the cable set at 0.4 grams.

Avatar 1S Alone - 7.9 grams

HGLRC 1106 2400kv motor - 7.2 grams

HGLRC 1303.5 2500kv motor - 6.9 grams

Blade Fusion 180s Bearing Blocks - 6.6-6.8 g

2 at the DFC bolting. 4 of the washers, 0.15g are to be used at the tail block for extra strength. 6.792-0.15=6.64g.

OXY Heli Sport Main Grip Set - 6.2 g

T-Motor Mini F7 HD Flight Controller - 6.0 grams

5.529 + 0.204 + 0.283 = 6.0 g

Blade Fusion 180s Tail Block - 5.0 grams

Injection part with 2 pairs of M2x5mm bolts and 1 M2x8mm bolts = 4.85+2*0.3+0.2=5.654g.
Trimming out the downward-facing-plate and the pully protrusion = 5.654 - 5.005 = 0.649g saving. 

Beitian BN-180 GPS - 5.3 grams

The green wire only needs to be 6cm. The white wire needs to be shared with main motor signal, 6cm+5cm=11cm. The black and red wires needs 3cm extra, 6cm+3cm=9cm. Total 6+11+9+9=35cm. Every cm is 0.012g, the plug is 0.1g, 35*0.01+0.1=0.52. 4.8+0.52=5.3g. 

Lynx Blade 230 carbon fiber tail boom -  4.8 grams


Microheli Precision CNC Titanium Main Shaft V950 - 4.4 grams

Trimming out 2mm 4.492 * 88/90=4.4 g. The collar is not used except as a substitute.

Blade 230 swash - 4.5g

Align 250 DFC Grip 

Set - 3.7 g

Blade 230 landing skid 

Set - 2.2 - 3.1g

 HGLRC FD411 - 2.8 g

The set includes the unused
DFC bolts and their washer

Blade 180 CFX washer - 2.5 grams

Acrylic sheet 0.08 inch - 2.6 grams JST-XH charging plug and cable - 2.1 grams

(The actual build should not have staggered cells, so save the yellow tapping wire 0.3 grams.)

Blade 180 Smart Bottom Plate - 2.1 grams            Battery Tray - 2.3 grams

The bottom plate's long strut designed for the tail truss structure needs to be cut out and used as the motor mount's front truss to reinforce the main frame structure, using the 2 1.7mm screws in the package. The battery tray doesn't need screws in this build, so, repurpose the 2 1.7mm screws for the bottom plate. In the worst case, the sell starts at 2.454g (first picture) and ends at 2.108g. 

Avatar HD Lite Camera with Cable - 2.3 grams

1.86 + 0.402 = 2.262 g.

 E-Flight BSR servo push rod set - 2.2 grams

The original set on sale is shown as 2.0 grams. The 1 extra ball link pair with rod needed to connect to DFC pin is shown as 0.4 grams. The long rod's non-threaded part to be trimmed out is 0.6 - 0.4 = 0.2 grams. So the 4 links total is 2.0 - 0.2 + 0.4 = 2.2 grams.

The long rod, after cutting out the center, non-threaded area, has 2 short segments, each for 1 rear servo rod. One of the original rear rod is used for the front rod. The second original rear rod is used as one of the DFC rod. The extra ball link pair from a second purchase of this item has 1 rod for the second DFC link. The extra ball link pair from the second purchase of this item has 2 ball sockets for the 2 DFC links.

16A ESC - 2.1grams                                                           

Hypertough zip tie 3mm trimmed - 2.0 grams per 13 pcs

0.12x5 + 0.15x5 + 0.21x3 = 1.98

T-Rex 250 landing skid - 1.4  grams

Microheli Blade 230 main shaft - 0.1-1.8 grams 

XT30 connector -  0.9-1.7 grams

TBS Unity Pro32 Nano - 1.7 grams                             Arducam for Raspberry Pi Zero - 1.6 grams 

HQProp 4025 propeller - 1.8 grams

Two M2 screws are usually included with each prop and are 0.3 grams.

Blade 180 CFX main rotor hub - 1.4 grams

Blade 180 CFX feathering shaft - 1.4 grams

Velcro tie 3/4 inch with adhesive - 1.4 grams per 14 cm

0.8g / 8cm = 0.1 grams per cm . 3.5cm for bottom attachment for battery. 4.5cm for top attachment for battery. 6cm for battery itself. 

TrueRC 5.8G Hz Antenna LHCP 40mm - 1.3 grams

M1.5 x 6mm self-tapping screw - 0.4-0.7 grams per 5-9 pcs

The scale is calibrated with the small bag. 1 screw for each of the 3 servo arms. 2 for the bottom plate. 4 for the tail block for extra strength. 1.2*5/15=0.4. 1.2 * 9 / 15 = 0.7.

Runcam Nano 3 - 1.2 grams

RHCP Antenna 1.2 grams

FrSky XM+ RC receiver - 1.2 grams                    TBS Crossfire Nano - 1.2 grams

Solder - 0.7-1.1 grams per 35-62 points

The 4-8 soldering points adds 0.1 grams, average 6 points. The wires in the first picture have not been pre-tinned in at the cuts. The reading oscillates between 3.6 and 3.7 in the second picture with 4 soldering points, and it settles at 3.7 in the third picture with 8 soldering points.

The solder is a tin-lead alloy and the density is about 9 times that of water. For joining the 22 AWG, wire lead is 3mm in length,  0.4mm cross section area pre-tin on each side of the wires then joined. So, 2.4mm cube per job, and the weight is 0.1cm x 0.1cm x 0.1cm x 9g/cc x 2.4 = 0.021 gram.

Original build has 3 main motor joins, 9 tail motor joins, 2 power distribution points, 2 battery plug points, 2 power tapping on the buck converter, 2 power tapping far end, 8 points on raspberry pi, 3 points on receiver, GPS 4 points. 35 points.

Adrenaline diving build relocates raspberry pi's points to camera and VTX, then 3 servos needs 3 points each, 2 ESCs needs 2 points each. 35+13=48.

Endurance build needs extra 7 points for ESC build and 9 points for battery build. 48+16=64.

Picoblade 1.25mm 3pin 10cm set - 1.0 grams

The manufacturer specified 10cm length includes the male plug 0.5cm and the base of female socket(but not the actual socket) 0.5cm.
The raspberry Pi's power pins or the FD411's camera pins need 8cm(8.5cm including the socket) female half wire for powering or for signaling. That leaves 2cm 3 wires to be soldered on the RF receiver of the craft. In case of video signaling, the male half of the wire set needs another 0.5cm of the plugs itself and another 0.5cm wires. So the male half has 9cm left to solder on FD411's sbus pins for connecting toward the radio receiver. So, the RF receiver has 2+9=11cm distance from the flight computer. This is the same distancing provided with CC3D atom's main port(RF receiving port) wire set.

4x8x3mm bearing set - 1.0 grams

Blade Infusion 180 DFC Link - 0.9 grams

Acrylic sheet 0.04 inch - 0.8 grams

Matek 5v 9v buck converter -0.8 grams

Wolfwhoop 5V 3A buck converter - 0.8 grams

24 AWG enameled wire - 0.8 grams per 45cm

7.5cm for 2 power input of each of the 2 ESCs. 5cm for each of the 3 main motor poles. 

CHENYANG Ultra Mini DM Micro USB 5pin OTG Adapter - 0.7 grams per pair

Clear mounting tape - 1.8 grams 16.8 square cm

Pictured here is 1 inch square. 
(2*6*4 board stopper
+3*20*2 main motor
+2*20 VTX
+10*10 GPS
+3*12.7 tail motor bottom
+12.7*12.7 tail motor top
+25.4*25.4 boom
+6*10*2 FC front
+7*12.7*2 FC front and back 
+3*12.7*2 servo and FC power
+2*20*2 servo signal
+3*12.7 RF receiver
+3*12.7 tail motor
)/100 = 18.6

 ABS 4x4mm struts - 0.6 grams 4.4cm

Each of the 2 pieces is 2.2cm long. Servos spaced 1.8cm from fastener to fastener. Total width is 2.6cm, but the 0.8cm ends are tapered off. Counting the ends at the centers of the slopes. 1.8cm+0.4cm = 2.2cm .

Picoblade 1.25mm 2-pin connector set - 0.6 grams

Enameled 28 AWG wires - 0.6 grams per 111cm

Servos need 4cm(including the plug) of the female half to plug in to the 5 volt buck converter. The male half provides 4cm(including the plug) to tap power from the same buck converter for either the video transmitter or the raspberry pi. The scrap 2 sets of 4cm bare wires tap the (main+tail) motor signal pads and the flight computer vbat pads.

Servos need 4cm(including the plug) of the female half to plug in to the 5 volt buck converter. The male half provides 4cm(including the plug) to tap power from the same buck converter for either the video transmitter or the raspberry pi. The scrap 2 sets of 4cm bare wires tap the (main+tail) motor signal pads and the flight computer vbat pads.

Blade Fusion 180S anti-rotation bracket - 0.5 grams

Blade 230 anti-rotation bracket - 0.5 grams

M2x4-6mm bolts with nuts set - 0.5 grams

Previously shown with BSR anti-rotation
bracket that the 1 unused screw is 0.1 gram.

Velcro tie 5/8 inch without adhesive - 1.0 grams per 20cm

Mounting inch squares - 0.3 grams per square inch

The FrSky XM+ needs an entire square on the antenna, but 1/4 of a square inch can be carved out for attaching the ArduCam camera and Raspberry Pi. TBS crossfire RF receiver needs 2/3 of a square to make 4 strips for a fixture of the antenna and the remaining 1/3 of a square inch for the Runcam Nano3 camera. 

M1.6x6 Bolts - 0.4 grams 3pcs

0.12 * 3 = 0.36g

Oxy2 Sport DFC rod set - 0.3 grams

Previous weighing of Blade 180 CFX main hub had 1.4 grams. The DFC rod set is hence 1.7-1.4=0.3 grams.

Heat Shrink Tube 2.5mm - 0.1 grams 4cm

0.6 grams x 6cm / 24cm = 0.1, grams 

M1.7 screws - 0.3 grams 2 pcs

Either taken from landing skid set or M1.7x8 screws weigh the same

Packaging tape 3/4cm width- 0.5 grams per 35cm

Endurance battery needs 2 9cm ties for cells and 2 5cm wraps and a 7cm split wrap for the charging wires.

M2x15mm bolt - 0.8 grams 2pcs

M2x10mm bolt - 0.2 grams

12mm bolt is 0.267g, 10mm bolt is 0.224g.

SanDisk 32GB SD card - 0.2 grams

Generic zip tie 3mm nearly untrimmed - 0.2 grams

Heat Shrink Tube 1.5mm - 0.2 grams per 10cm

Pinion Gear .5 Mod 081.5A - 0.1 gram

1.2 / 19 = 0.063 = 0.1 rounded to nearest tenth of a gram.

Nylon M2 washers - 0.1 grams per 6-8pc       Kevlar string - 0.0 grams per 30-50cm

0.055 x 6 / 3 = 0.11  g                                                     2.5 * 3.14 * 4cm = 31.4cm
0.055 x 8 / 3 = 0.147g                                                     0.025 * 50cm / 31.4 = 0.0398g

M3x4mm Flathead Screw - 0.1 grams

Trimmed to fit the tight space in between trusses of the lower bearing block.

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